Its always been my moms dream to move to or near Phoenix. But someone told us there is a fly that lays its eggs in your skin and then you have to take out the larva? Its called the bot or tumba fly they said. We are concerned about this. Does it effect humans or animals or both? Will I be able to walk my dog without her getting afflicted by it is there any way to avoid this? Thanks. I'm supposed to be moving there with the family in 5 months and then we hear about this...
Best Answer
Lol Ive lived in Phoenix my entire life and so have the last two generations of my family. There is a such thing as Bot Flies, but they arent here. They like more damp places and quite frankly Arizona is a dry state, especially Phx. The only things we really have, depending on where in Phx you plan on living are mosquitos, spiders (most not poisonous, and if they are its only enough to have a little infection) bats (harmless) pigeons n doves, javelina (avoid), coyotes (they avoid you), donkeys, cows, scorpions (shake out ur clothes n shoes), snakes (rattlers are really the only ones to worry about but are still pretty friendly). Yeah, pretty safe state, we dont have alot of the weird parasites n critters. Everything here is kicda just spiney lol
22 years in Phx
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