Saturday, March 9, 2013

What Is The Name Of This Castle? 10 Points!?

Here it
I think it is Irish.

Best Answer

Here's how you do this:

Go to flickr (or any large photo sharing site).

Put"Irish and English castles" in the search window. (I think you're right, that it's Irish, but could be British, too). Look at the photos that come up.

When you find a couple that look like the same one, and have the same name, you go to wikipedia, and search there...make sure these people labeled their photos correctly...some people put up old photos and don't remember, or simply saw so many that they aren't sure...or the same city will come up in the tags, even though it's not the's in their trip, or something like that.

Using this technique, I have come up with almost the exact same
Malahide Castle.

Check with Wikipedia.


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