Saturday, March 9, 2013

Whats The Best Thing To Do With My Afro Caribbean Hair?

Iv got natural just past shoulder length hair. I want to know is what's the best thing to do with it. Relax it? Keep it natural? Weave? And what's the absolute best of the best products to use on my hair. I need a step by step guide if your thinking keep it natural. Iv looked up many websites and they totally contradict each other. I'm in the UK please help.

Best Answer

It's entirely up to you.

You need to decide which you can cope with in terms of time and finances, eg weaves can be expensive

There is no guarantee that any product I recommend will work on your hair.

That's the beauty of natural hair: what works for someone else might not work for you. It's a trial and error process.

I haven't seen your hair etc

You need a cleanser- shampoo/shampoo bar, deep conditioner and some form of daily moisturiser.

I recommend Youtube there are many natural hair vloggers there
Some I recommend: naptural85, fusionofcultures (she is from the UK), whoissugar, 160days2lose2, iknowlee

Also there is large Natural Hair group of FB with over 41000 members

If you have any specific questions feel free to message me


Natural for 3 years

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